I work up this morning just in time for a morning show that was hosting an award winning Kenyan writer Binyavanga who you can be sure has my creative heart. His main message was to break the walls, tell it as it is. He called them Truth Tellers. Sounds good right? Sure does. So I shall spend the next few grams of balls I hold doing that…or at least starting to. Let’s talk matters sex!! I am in need of like minds, people who relate to what I battle with and have managed to see the damage that it can bring to a person’s live and would also like to know how to get things in control as I would. Hold on, am not talking about just sex, but the sex that can be difficult. Give me a minute to elaborate. I have very basic knowledge of the psychology of sex and within my veins is a need to change that. I would like to finally get the over the shame and talk to someone who actually has answers or at least offers words of comfort on the struggle of sex addiction. Let’s see, I would...