A friend on Facebook posts a message reading ‘my sexuality is not a political statement.’ And within minutes am deep in thought over the author’s rational and it leads me to the baby boom. Babies, babies and babies. How the hell did I not see this coming why did I not expect the age increment to affect how we live? Lemme not digress.
 Everywhere I turn mummy mushy words hit me or a photo of a sweet cuddly being in the arms of a lesbian or even lesbian couples to make it best. You have to be insane to consider a lesbian with a baby anything but breath-taking beautiful. There is something about the newly acquired sexiness of the responsibilities parenting brings. A stud posts on how happy her partner just made her on the day of delivery of their son and it is now smack on my face.
SHIT JUST GOT REAL!!! Yaani, an actual lesbian couple I have shared a drink with in this city will actually do it. As in kids and a family dog? As in have a middle-finger-to-the-world happy family? As in extended family dinner on Sunday stable? This lovely beings will make retirement plans? Really, wake up next to each other every day happy? They will actually attempt the fairy tale?
What does this mean? Will all the break-ups and violent relationships come to an end? Exes will stop being a waiting do-over? (Pun intended). Will we really learn to love and give it more? Can I actually witness those sagged panted butches treat their girls like queens and put an end to the games? Is this the revolution of mind and heart for my dyke community or just a beginning of a fade away of more characters to fill our conversation in the next few years of ‘what happened to so and so?’ After they think life is best secluded and the ones left behind shall keep their dreams on a halt like most?
My point is…they are actually doing it and I wonder why I ever spoke of equality if I never thought it possible now at this time. That you can go find ‘her’ and get to making smiles happen on her face for the rest of your life regardless of what excuses you have had blaming the society. Stop dreaming and start believing.
Cheers to the fucking weekend and salute to all who have found ‘her’.


  1. good one hope they are happy

  2. nice ...eye opener init? makes us all strive for more and give more...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. yes saxxy. now to ponder a lil more over the weekend. hope u good.

  5. Lovely...As time goes by things change for the better.Am happy for the couple.

  6. for others it might be a fad, to others a dream come true, fingers crossed for happy endings to all new parents


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