
Showing posts from January, 2014

Fags with flags.

hot pink: sexuality red: life orange: healing yellow: sunlight green: nature turquoise: magic/art indigo/blue: serenity/harmony violet: spirit Above is the first design of the LGBTI flag as created and presented by Gilbert Baker on June 15 th 1978 at the San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade, while his inspiration towards the design is still debated and sensationalized in myths that all undermine the beauty of the thoughts he attached to the colors as you see above.


  Clinging to my wishing powers, am dearly hoping this will not be yet another failure, I will dance to South African music all day if this actually gets to be posted by these shy fingers of mine. My point might land in the next sentence, kindly hold your breathe and bear with me as I grasp to the straws of my latitude hoping to turn this rant in my head into a blog.