YES YES YES!! (poetry)

Am gonna make a reservation In your best dining location Nervously waiting for your attendance confirmation Sitting at a strategic position Analyzing my present situation The distance of the chair to the table, what am wearing, how am smiling, how my hands are placed... including the weather condition Await your arrival as I pray for the success of this mission Let thoughts of you mess up my composure and relaxation You shall enter in your ever upright position Just in time to listen to the hired musician I shall nod to him in appreciation Hug you till you sense evidence of my perspiration You shall sit across me smiling as I marvel at you ever breathe-taking demeanor Let’s get to small talk and ignore my adoration Discuss yours and my day We shall speak of our association The never breaking infatuation and attraction The commitment, loyalty, appreciation, compatibility and competition The affairs, options and how we ended up top of each ot...