
Showing posts from February, 2012

YES YES YES!! (poetry)

Am gonna make a reservation In your best dining location Nervously waiting for your attendance confirmation Sitting at a strategic position Analyzing my present situation The distance of the chair to the table, what am wearing, how am smiling, how my hands are placed... including the weather condition Await your arrival as I pray for the success of this mission Let thoughts of you mess up my composure and relaxation You shall enter in your ever upright position Just in time to listen to the hired musician I shall nod to him in appreciation Hug you till you sense evidence of my perspiration You shall sit across me smiling as I marvel at you ever breathe-taking demeanor Let’s get to small talk and ignore my adoration Discuss yours and my day We shall speak of our association The never breaking infatuation and attraction The commitment, loyalty, appreciation, compatibility and competition The affairs, options and how we ended up top of each ot...


Greetings people, here is a link to an article I wrote in reaction to a story written on Standard news paper on last week. Hala at me and give me your opinions and comments...


Funny how you look at your life at the present and you realize the necessity of those huddles you went through that got you to be the person you currently are. The week started on fire, n no not hawt fun fire, burning annoyingly fire. I had a professional difference with a group of people that would usually drive me crazy and have me shouting insults in every direction but nooooo. The new wise me J , sought advice from a few trusted individuals in that sector and all turned out ok. Lesson learnt: do not undermine the destructive looking, unnecessary situations you go through. They may be the driving force that gets you a step closer to being whom and what you want to be.     Bringing in the biggest achievement this year. Introduction: I chaired a committee that was assigned the duty of looking into issues between the local government, police and the Kenyan public. Summary: tough job. Conclusion: your gal is g...


My head is still wrapped up in the past weekend, and the other one is starting. I had an awesome time drinking, smoking,.....the usual. Speaking of usual, nothing close to usual happened not in my personal life or in the kenyan public who couldn't stop ranting over the KTN feature that partly touched on male sex worker in Nairobi. As I sat there watching, it was nothing but entertaining and informative. But as always the stigma fueled Kenyan public used this well served opportunity to vent out all their hatred for homosexuals. Got  me thinking: What is it they are really scared off?  Is it that they know gays and lesbians are some of the people they live with, work with, drink with and they will deny and reject them so that they never have go through the coming out conversation with them? Or is that Kenyans are so ignorant they keep throwing all this religious, traditional, moral defenses because they honestly think that they are not people they know or affect them i...


   Today we shall speak of the activist that is me. After a few meetings with other activists after we were address's with the case of a 11yr old boy who got his testicles cut by a city council officer, no I did not make an error while typing. We decided to hold a protest in town today, by protest i mean; holding up placards, screaming for attention 'till people listen to us, blowing whistles, singing remixed songs that are in tune with what we want heard. You have to understand that i haven't being to a protest before. Am young at activism....really young. So spare me judgement for showing up 2 hours late with juice and ice-cream. A girl has to keep cool, that didn't stop Val (my pal) from laughing at me. This is ignoring how she and everyone else were dripping of sweat. Clearly they did not watch the boondocks episode were Robert Freeman showed up in the 60s black protest wearing a raincoat and an umbrella since the police were using fire-hoses ...


Image, I have been contemplating starting a blog for roughly 3yrs. Could mean 2 things either I am an undecided slow individual who takes years to come to con censors with herself on a tiny choice that any 5yr old would easily do for me. Or am a careful woman who takes time to weigh all sides of the coin before flipping it. I choose to go with the latter, actually most people find me too spontaneous for the well being of this human race. Thanx god I am not in charge. I would like to give you a preview of all that I consider me that I would be featured here as the years (oh yes i said years) go by. Seeing as to how am at work and have meetings back to back, I shall save what I have to share/vent/bore you with for later. For now welcome to IMMAH and get to be a witness of the genesis of an remarkable person who's thoughts and life would be entertaining if not informing enough to keep you coming back.