Funny how you look at your life at the present and you realize the necessity of those huddles you went through that got you to be the person you currently are. The week started on fire, n no not hawt fun fire, burning annoyingly fire. I had a professional difference with a group of people that would usually drive me crazy and have me shouting insults in every direction but nooooo. The new wise meJ, sought advice from a few trusted individuals in that sector and all turned out ok. Lesson learnt: do not undermine the destructive looking, unnecessary situations you go through. They may be the driving force that gets you a step closer to being whom and what you want to be. 
   Bringing in the biggest achievement this year. Introduction: I chaired a committee that was assigned the duty of looking into issues between the local government, police and the Kenyan public. Summary: tough job. Conclusion: your gal is growing faster than she anticipated. 
     Valentines Day: Awesome had a good time, make that an awesome time and made enough jokes about all who were dating. Sorry to all paired up guys, it’s my duty as a single person to make you feel like you are wasting your time. No hard feelings. Dope weekend to ya’ll.


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