Today we shall speak of the activist that is me. After a few meetings with other activists after we were address's with the case of a 11yr old boy who got his testicles cut by a city council officer, no I did not make an error while typing. We decided to hold a protest in town today, by protest i mean; holding up placards, screaming for attention 'till people listen to us, blowing whistles, singing remixed songs that are in tune with what we want heard. You have to understand that i haven't being to a protest before. Am young at activism....really young. So spare me judgement for showing up 2 hours late with juice and ice-cream. A girl has to keep cool, that didn't stop Val (my pal) from laughing at me. This is ignoring how she and everyone else were dripping of sweat. Clearly they did not watch the boondocks episode were Robert Freeman showed up in the 60s black protest wearing a raincoat and an umbrella since the police were using fire-hoses on the protestant. Watch the show, it shall be funnier.
    What you have to understand before you start asking what steered me in the social justice activism channel is that, if you had met the extremely jolly Andrew and played pool with him at the mall as i did 2 weeks ago you would be as outraged as I am. He happens to be the son of a friend of mine who is one of the most active activists our society has to offer, am also writing her life story so all this was too close for comfort or in the very least ignorance. She is involved in the fight for rights of the street kids and families, sex workers and LGBTI. So you can imagine my evil laugh when I got over the first bitterness of the news, how in your worst of days do you pick on the son of a activist for your insane mutilation fetish practices? I knew disaster was speeding like a jet towards him and we swore to make sure he faced justice. So this is my report of the 1st strike where were embraced the system to ensure that the rights of the ones who may not have an audible voice to be heard. The mayor promised us that the issue shall be addressed and gave us a meeting tomorrow to discuss our grievances (the word reminds me of the mau mau stories).
   Am happy to say that Andrew is doing fine since i left him in Nairobi Women's Hospital 2hrs ago, p.s. the hospital is not charging us treatment. Somebody bless them. He made a drawing of his house and a matatu (Public Service Vehicle) full of people sitting in the back...mostly those that have gone to visit him so far and him as the driver. The psychologist me reads that as his self esteem being intact and i cross my phalanges that am right. but who am i fooling? am always right. I got lost into a conference organized by the Oxfam organization ask me what they do later at the Silver Spring Hotel. By what i could get out of the first friendly face i could spot as i enjoyed my five course meal ahem!. It is a conference that aims at overseeing the African Union, so don't blame me for taking a moment to ponder on how this humble background girl got here with time you will understand where all this is coming from. My point was that they are just as outraged and will be a big force behind this fight against minor authority using the little power they have been mistakenly awarded to to create a little piece of hell for those at their reach.

Enough venting for the day. I shall go catch a beer with my Twin, no, am an only child by i have  a twin sister. But that shall be a topic for another day. Viva justice Viva.

P.S am too tired to proof read.


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