I made the mistake of looking at the statistics of the blog views. Which on the bright side showed news of views of people from many parts of the world and sadly the low views over periods when I stayed for long without posting. Which got me feeling guilty and now am tryna justify my gross uncouth writing tendencies. On the part of justifying myself: am writing for three different magazines and am torn over what to post where. Gets even harder when they allow me to just vent my thoughts on my articles. Don't worry blog and blogreaders, they still don't come close to what we have ;-) but I have a few ideas on how we can mend this. I would deeply appreciate if you would mail me or inbox me on facebook on the issues or topics you want me to cover on a blog. 
       Now that we have covered that lets get on how writing can bite you in the ass. I find my good corner and take my pen and paper (yes i do it the old school way) and am tryna work on a character that may be in my life for the next ten years and should be evidence of my literature savantness. But what happens? I go through the book I was given by a pal to jot my ideas on, only to find that there is a poem written that just fucked up my line of thought. Why you may ask: here is goes. The poem as much as i may not wanna admit it wasn't that bad but the content that was in it was not in favor of my romantic endeavors especially if the persona referred to is not yours truly. Which may not be. There is one thing you need to know bout me, my ego is the same size with the Chrysler Building. Then it goes to the usual fragile state of the writers mind who cant focus on anything but what she feels and hopes of me creating the awesome character were down to the point that i cant even draw a caricature if thats all that stood between me and a million dollars. 
     So what do i do? i stare at the book for half an hour then later end up starting a bitter poem about that situation. You know how you strength can be your weakness. Here are the blues of being the writer i am. 
  • The line between me and those I write about gets thinner each and every day
  • There is also the messed up part when I realize during proof reading that am venting my hidden issues through how I flow the story or poem.
  • Lastly there is when you get lost in the life of the creation and loose touch with reality. 
I shall leave it at that before I start acting like this is the invasion of small people in a land called my head and the best way to cure this condition is anti writing pill that will cost me a mil per pill <gotta love rhyme>.  
    before i forget here is my contacts for those topic we spoke of earlier. 
       facebook: Immah Reid
        email: immah12@gmail.com


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