Its time I acted like the woMan I say I am

Put it all out, lay it on the table


1st I don’t like you

2nd I don’t wanna love you

3rd I won’t be fucking with you

Funny how some think they can come to you space at their own will

Take it upon themselves to make your life unbearable if not liveable

Afterwards show up and expect nothing but love and admiration from you

In this case me!

How I wish someone will offer you the news

That I am not yours to have and you will never own me

You can be sure I will die with you in my life

Simply because there is no other way around it

Wish I could show you the loath I have for you

Pack up and find someone who will give me a new US

One that will be minus the humongous skeleton in our closet

That may never let me see past what we had

I wanna look at you and not wanna punish you

Not wish I could wash your scent off me when we are done

I wish I didn’t need you

I didn’t want you

But I am just a man and we all need her

The best I shall do for my mind is let it out

Sit on the desk that you bought and write you hate poems

Look at you every day and still wish we never met

Spend time with you

And curse you stupid ungrateful ass each day

Bitch I work for you and what do I get?

Your stink

Your garbage

Your worth

Your issues

You know what



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