What is life about? Why are we here? Who are we? Where are we together? What else is out there? How did we get here? When does it end? More so, what is next?
My mind has been heavy in thought today; please note, none of that should be apologized for. My blood is still rushing trying to remember how each thought flowed. Last year I picked a path that has led to many thought-full nights. The understanding of peace and purpose was paramount in establishing the power I needed to master so as to get to that actualized life I hope I and many wish for.
On the journey I have learnt much I wasn't looking for, realization and acceptance of human connectivity is the brightest star I saw. How you, me, her, him, all are linked and how our actions mingle. While it is scary for me to admit that that stranger may have stepped on my shoe giving me a reason to know his name so that years from now when I am in an accident laying by the roadside the good Samaritan who picks me is not that much of a strange. It gives me understanding of the uniqueness of each person’s purpose, and let’s kindly refrain from the topic of the beauty in each soul we have.
I would spend miles walking in town and go home thinking of the inequality in human life after sighting a few homeless people. Why do some get more than others? The answers I hold too run around the lines that every role you play in this life MUST be played. Whether you are the cashier at the store or the Pope with millions watching: that part must be acted. The good news is that the powers I have witnessed in human minds have given me calm in that we have a chance to decide the roles we play. Not one chance, numerous ones that come to you without restrain.
Doors that open in our lives that are waiting for us to seize the moment and be those people we want to be and attain that fairy tale happiness we saw as children when we dared dream. While the biggest challenge in attaining this has been the famous ‘box’ that prevents most from walking their own path. The ‘does’ and ‘don’ts’ that have made most puppets who refuse to follow the ever shouting intuition they have been blessed with. Trust for others more than self may as well be the biggest betrayal one can do to her/himself.
I hope and pray that each person would take on a challenge and weigh their beliefs, take time to find the answers to the questions we started with. Get your personal say. Which all flows easy if you are on a solid spiritual space in your life. But the rest remain imprisoned by borrowed notions. I would like to believe it my role to share the euphoric beauty of this world when you break away from these chains. Which is sadly not the first time that a human being thinks she have found ‘the truth’.
The scientists who spoke out in the 17th century thought they had found it too, right as they were, someone adds on a new discovery to theirs each day. The slaves were shipped and some white men said there might just be a chance that those black people are actually not animals, some of their families watched their blood soaking on their front yard. While they must have done their part, the fight for human rights is more imperative and segmented than ever. So chances are there is more to ponder on this belief matter too.
As I sleep tonight, my personal belief book complete with a small message as a dedication “May all find the joy and love I have found when I opened the curtain to the divine in all”


  1. I think about the mysteries of lifetime all the too and this got me thinking some more,beautiful.


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