So I did it again...running my mouth, in this case my fingers got me blogging right now when my time would be so awesomely divided in my work. Its started today in the morning when I got a text from my boss that Kiss FM just advertised the Programs Coordinator vacancy we have at The Gay and Lesbian Coalition of Kenya where I work as the Research officer. Yes! earthlings, I work with them. 

The first mistake that heterosexuals make is starting any statement with the 'THEM' word. Early in the week I was in a panel conducting interviews and some guy kept saying THEM while referring to the LGBTI (Lesbian, Gays, Bi-sexuals, Transgender and Intersex) for those of you who need the basics. 

My morning got wayyyyyy more interesting when I got to work and checked out Caroline Mutoko's update that was actually a job advert for the position. So we have at this time over six hundred comments on the update in the following categories

1. Homophobes throwing their Sunday school teachings over our doom

2. Job seekers happy to know they have a reason to look up to tomorrow

3. LGBTI individuals happy to have an opportunity to bark a few pride statements at the one against them

4. Shocked individuals who think Caroline should be killed for promoting such immoral tendencies and assisting the homos in their so far successful attempt to relocate Sodom in Kenya

5. Few sincerely ignorant persons who cant stop gasping at the 1st sentence when they read that there is actual organization for the LGBTI matters in Kenya. To those ones I prefer the homophobes. 

6. the closeted individuals who are reading word for word of the million word to get a clue how they can interact with this like minded peeps. 

So I engaged 'till the senselessness got to me and I realized it might take my smile away. But each comment from the both sides reflect the same thing: Our need to think what we know is right and zero tolerance to communicate efficiently to come to an understanding. 

To our adoration of the three shackles of ignorance that captivate our societies thinking. 

Religion, Morals, Traditions.

Our blindness to those not alike due to our innate fear to what we cannot understand. 

One female got to me as she asked
"No one effing cares if you're gay, just dont try to make it everyone's business!!!! You don't see normal people like heteros trying to get their bedroom habits recognized, legalized or whatever, do you???? Kibaya chajitembeza. When its time to give account to God for your disgusting, worse than animal behaviour, u'll be all alone baby, all alone. In the meantime, dont keep shoving this old tired story in normal people's faces. We're sick of it!"
Clearly she has more issues with the media too, good at is to know she has her stand on all this I fight myself from asking her why she thinks I as the Lesbian I am, need to keep hearing of this imaginary figure in the sky who she kneels to so as to breath tomorrow while I have been doing fine all by myself in this gay life I live.

Nikki a fellow blogger suggested we put up links to our blogs to erase the ignorance slightly for those who have not already been swallowed by the dragon of shallow mindedness and cannot be saved. 

so as i have taken this upon myself as a ISR (Individual Social Responsibility) i shall use the next few days to educate the few on LGBTI matters. 

God bless my kind nature. 


  1. Funny u should mention the ones reading the comments word for word to know where to find us; I have gotten so many inboxes over the last 2hours and a few friend requests but as is my motto, if we don’t have 20 friends and above in common, keep waiting till you get there then I shall accept your request. All goes to show that LGBTI are everywhere.
    The same way statistics show that there is AT LEAST 2 family members in each extended family living with HIV is the same thing with LGBTI. Only that people don’t know or refuse to see.
    I remember when HIV was such a stigma that getting it was worse fate than madness. But with constant and relentless advocacy, people outgrew the mentality that if an infected person looks at you, you will contract it.
    That is the same thing I want to see done to the LGBTI sensitization. And we might be a long way but every small deed counts.
    Let me share with you an inspiring thing that has happened to me today: soon after putting up the post Free To Love, I got a message on FB from a lady telling me that coz of my post, I have finally helped her accept herself for whom she is.
    My heart started beating fast and I got nervous.
    I get a lot of encouraging messages from my readers but by far that is the greatest accomplishment I have made so far with the blog. She is of Indian decent and once we have started talking, she has expressed how she has struggled with her “evil” desires for long and how it feels right when she is with “her”. Now she finally knows that love is love.
    So Immah, please speak out. You will be helping someone out there.
    Every small deed counts. I am behind you all the way.

  2. i have been with friend requests too.. be nice. they are just our kind trying to reach out :-)
    go u girl changing lives. proud of u.
    trust me i have no reservations with the 'one sweet day' thoughts, as intolerable as i am towards ignorance it wont take long for Kenyans to look at each other as who we are n not what.
    concern over pedophiles, murderers and psychopathic politician who r causing more harm to our people with each min they hold power, will outlive concern over our individual sexual relations.
    fingers crossed.

  3. Can't we all just get along?
    It's sad that in Africa people are more accommodating to pedophiles and rapist than they are to LGBTI it's sad but true if you are truly straight why should you be bothered by what 2 (or more) Lol consenting adults do in the privacy of the bedroom?
    Just a thought! But an interesting blog good read keep it up
    Your straight hubby. Lol cheers
    Educate sister!!!!!

  4. its the least i can do for them hubby.
    next one will be more consenting adults.
    haven't been blogged on that yet.

  5. @ Immah and Nikki... I don't know, i'm torn between working real hard to get out and not come back and staying around to actually help and make a difference... the ignorance and outright hatred is NOT encouraging.

    1. Get out of what exactly? being gay? or out of the gay community. Your answer will help me give you some good advice.

  6. trust the more the merrier has never been more relevant in a conversation.
    but as i said, it will only get better.
    there is no other way.


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