Dear Reid,
       I woke up tasting you in my mouth today, the rays of the sun all over my bedroom and your scent all around me as vivid as it was in my sweet dreams. I had a long stretch curling over the comforter as I smile deliriously. How stupid you still make me, how weak and strong you sway me. Am your fool.
       I have joy in my eyes when I think of you and your voice has saved me from the doors of my own hell. The bond that travels through my body when we touch assures me you are my destiny and if it isn’t so, I shall labor all days of my life to make it so. Am your mate. (pun intended)
       I found one of those pretty tiny metallic car parts that you see when you are walking through a garage area; it’s a perfect sphere babe. Like a ball of silver. I got home and washed it and I placed it near my desk where you shall collect it. Let its perfection and beauty remind you of how my eyes see you. Am your worshipper.
       You chose to give me love and happiness as opposed to all the arguments, fears and discomforts I had once or twice confused for love. You make me grow and fly, your words bring warmth and laughter. Am yours to keep.
       Your big heart that loves like a child makes me melt in bliss. Your long beautiful bushy hair that smells of marijuana and sweet lavender, your smile that might probably bring world peace are the least of my reasons to be here. Am your lover.
       Finally sweet mind, your compassionate mega intelligent brain that offers me orgasmic conversations and ideas that keep me up all night; you befog me. You are the reason I read. Am your obsesser.
P.s I want you to be the last woman I say ‘I LOVE YOU TO.’
A lovely day to you.
Sin Cera, Immah.

That my dear readers is what I wish we would go back to or at least start for most of us :-) . So shallow are those chats we have become accustomed to:
How are you?
How was your day?
What are you doing?
What did you do?
How is she?
Are you sleeping?
You get what you give…
 Do something special for your ‘other’ and let them feel extraordinary today.
If your low on the actual words, do something else to make today different. If nikubaya, hala at your girl the writing mojo is back. :-) #Fireworks #Gunshoots #Bazooka  #PushingIt. #Bye

Good day. 


  1. I know those annoying perfunctory questions ...we need to get back to the beginning. I am inspired . Loved this piece!

  2. Let me see what you come up with,another bed time story for tonight. yay!

  3. Replies
    1. Who is this? I like to know a person who knows 'sin cera'. much appreciated. :-)

    2. Gifted ur ! Mmh honest stonworkers wonder is thy were stoned at times (pun intended) lets get romance bk in our communication style 8-)its kinda dull;(


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