As western as the bible, our entertainment, expression and language

As queer as the fashion and art we enjoy in courage

As ordinary as our money and the passion in your rage

So is my will to share these words with all the tranquility I can manage

Riddle me this; why are our people dying while we bicker about same-sex marriage?

Why are lesbian girls raped with family approval in their bedroom bondage?

Forget the pun and think of the siblings holding their ears at night and crying at school hoping somebody hears their plea for understanding

In another town, they walk past the burnt boys’ bodies like other left-over’s in their garbage

They announce how their 3year union shall not scar their heritage

I listen clenching my emotions as the other one shouts burn them on Classic FM that reaches this nation’s biggest percentage

While I was young, I would pull my hood lower and reach for my sunglasses

But today I shall share my outrage
1st let me remind you that our children shall learn from our example

History shall not write of the stories we read to them but how we handled differences in our age

2nd neither shall I be remembered for how I turned my head while you were spitting your insults but what I share with you now as a pledge;

I am me and I am here and that shall not be changed by the sneer on your face

Like many others all I want is peace within the human race

I mean you no harm, am just trying to get a safe walk within our space

Let’s free ourselves from the chains and rebuild with what we can salvage
That my dear, might be a better way to honor our parentage. :-)


  1. I heard your voice in the post....I missed you! Much <3 girlfriend.

  2. Sentiments so raw and relateable,
    they run so deep, it's indisuptable!

    So sad how love has been masqueraded as a sin,
    a sin worthy of torture and death in the public scene!

    Sometimes I think that it's those full of sadism,
    who wrote about, and legalized "same-love-racism"!!

    ~sad sigh!~

  3. Love it... We shall not be remembered for turning away, hanging our heads low, and keeping silent to stay safe; speak out, let it be known we are here and we are queer.


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