So I am fighting my writing block with all that I have, and the universe has been kind with reminders. So the past month I have been in very artistic spaces, met the best of creative minds in person and writings, ran into old poetic literate souls and spent more time thinking of my writing than hot, black, sweet coffee. So am gonna go with the recurring advice. “Keep writing, just pick your pen or fingers and get to putting it down. “ :-)

Luckily for you this is not a write-up on writing, today I wanna share on something I feel should be out there for everyone’s use. Let’s get to it. Commanding mornings is the topic I would like to dwell on. It works like this; you wake up and find a cool spot you relate to comfort, it could be in your mind, a physical position or location.

Clear your mind up, nothing really voodoo just visualization of emptying any rubbish that could be clogging you up. Then, plan your day. Don’t pick up your pen and draw a schedule sweety. :-D Just see it happen as you WANT your day and evening to go. 

Get as detailed as you possibly can, from the time in minutes and seconds you wish to step out of the shower to the amount of sugar you hope to taste in your drink. Do it for a few days and see how it goes.

Give yourself no limitation, let your imagination run, simply imagine nothing to lose. When you are comfortable, test yourself. Throw in random meet-up thoughts of old friends and see the people you shall bump into in the streets. Get it to a check or a cheek you wanna sign.

Siku njema.


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