Greetings beautiful people, I shall get straight to it. So after spending the weekend with representatives from all three generations of my family. Discussions were not as limited as usual, meaning things are getting easier but let us save that for another day. 

Mum happens to be one of the most socially conscious persons I have met and to be honest, since my boycott from Kenyan media 2 years ago she is my main reporter on how the government has 'shocked' its people once more. This one took me aback too.

Dr Ephantus Maree head of vaccine and immunization services says that Kenya is one of the remaining 28 countries that haven't eliminated tetanus. ("Tetanus?" yea! since we have all surely lost someone to tetanus. :-) give me a minute) In the spirit of that thought there is an ongoing one week neonatal tetanus vaccination that started last Sunday. It targets 2.3 million women in Kenya aged 14-49(looks familiar) in 60 districts in 16 high-risk counties e.g. Baringo, Turkana, Samburu. 

Keeping in mind during my pregnancy like every other woman I was subjected to 2 tetanus immunization shots that still remain mandatory in the Kenyan prenatal care, has that failed? Questions have been raised and I shall pass them forth.

The catholic church...not that we side with each other much, has asked for more elaboration and disclosure on the true intent of this vaccination exercise. For me, tetanus is not a gender oriented infection and hasn't been scientifically proven as so. The cases that have affected our citizens that may be tetanus infected haven't been purely natal. 

Why then do all women of child bearing age the only ones getting immunized? Is this one of the many other unwarranted contraceptive administration for our masses. Social behavior that is attached to tetanus would have expected the government targeting guys with jobs that expose them to higher risk of infection, primarily manual laborers in industrial area or more accurately so, the school boys putting their hands through every shed? 

Dr Maree says that after the completion of the exercise the WHO can come and certify Kenya as tetanus free. 

Not to draw any conclusions but my spider senses tell me the woman's choice has once been made for her. 

Lovely week Shujaas.



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