Hello December

You have been missed you sexy thing.

I have a confession that has escaped my bravery the past years.

So, let me be the first to tell you if no one does.

You were the first I met and since, the bias has favored your presence till now.

Is it the life you breath on each as we weigh the past months as improvement or failure?

Or the freedom you use to cloud each judgment with as we count less of what we have to loose?

You make me wild, sing, dance, glow,

It’s not a usual occurrence to be affected the same way by the same person

Once more just a day into you and the ride has begun

My facebook page with 7 relationship status updates and counting in the past 5 hours

Optimistic posts on changing of the person we no longer want to be

Photos of us that never looked happier

Which makes me weigh on what came first

Does our expectation of you as festivity make us more open to love and joys?

Or is it the ending of the year making us rush to last minute accomplishments of what we hold dear

Or the thoughts away from the usual life schedule that jump the excitement we hold inside?

Your body and spirit are beautiful…a little capitalistic but the memories you offer are reviewed in each lifetime.

So, while January worries are still at a distance, take me on the same old journey

Make the rejuvenation process as wild as always

Sway me to your unknowing rhythm and help us all shake off all that should be left behind,

Grow the child we hide inside

And pick only which is for our paths.

Welcome you sexy thing.


  1. i like... very much actually... have a look at mine.. http://sabrayy08.blogspot.com not as sentimental but its as close


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