Queer 2

After the panel at story moja where we covered family in the context of queer parenting and parents of queer parents...
Just to give imagery to this post I would like to throw a personal confession.  Life and work took a toll on me the previous two years and the past month I have managed to connect to a part of me that I lost touch with. 
Dramatically speaking I lost myself to the burn out of activism, self destruction and the "spite" of persons I trusted. 
Gladly the previous month has created a space of healing from both friends and strangers and malaria stopped by to remind me of self care on a biological, and not just spiritual level. 
To borrow from some of the repairing conversations that I celebrate as a reason why I am feeling a rebirth and just had my perception of my universe altered. 

He (My great confessor) is asked, 'What is greater than love?' "Communion, this that we are doing here, lovers and souls in a room sharing their themselves with each other in the name of friendship and love." he said

Back to my rant. I have some tings to throw on the consciousness I have been turned to on a communal base. 
The Kenyan queer community is rich, not captitalistically speaking but in terms of the lenses you wear on right and wrong?
Whatever devil suggested that's a good idea.  'Morally' there are life stories of both extremes of the spectrum you have invented to that scale. 
What justice is there to think of queer persons as the one example of a friend who came out when you didn't need to hear it or that lover happened to play for both sides?
I speak from a space of recognized privilege that acquired me the opportunities to meet those fabulous misfits that live on. But the same makes it my obligation to inform you;
Queer be everywhere in this country, in your hospitals as your doctors,  as your conductor in the matatu or the next door neighbor who you smile to without any alert to their sexuality. 
The rainbow shines over our lands in some or no disguise, in an effort to enjoy citizenry, to fuck up all systems and to also never be noticed. 
There persons are not one story.  Just like everyone else. 
Though something ties us all, to a need to love, to belong.  Some have it, others dream it, the revolution on the queer question in Kenyan socially and not just the political space shall only happen when we embrace and celebrate the individuality of a human form and strive not to possess it control it.  But the day we shall desire to all commune and laugh as a people. 
Regardless of gender confession, sexual discomfort and a need to control and just love. 
Past the person you call when you wanna cry but to a level of respect of all humans especially those you struggle the most with and get that love to a communal level. Eat together, lean on each other, feel each other.
But then growth is a process,  let's enjoy it. 


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