The King is Out.

The king is out. On Thursday 28th June 2012, the internationally acclaimed Jamaican- American singer gave the news to her millions of fans around the world. She said “My name is DIANA EUGENA KING, known to most as DIANA KING my fans call me KingSinga. I AM … WOMAN … MOTHER ... AUNT … JAMAICAN … AMERICAN ... INTERNATIONAL ARTIST ... SINGER ... SONGWRITER ... BAND LEADER … FRIEND ... LOVER ... ENTREPRENEUR ... GODDESS! Among other things AND YES!!!…I AM A LESBIAN ... the answer to my most asked INDIRECT question.”

She joins more famous personalities in this world who have been in the closet throughout their careers in fear of how their sexuality would affect their popularity. While most people view the rampant ‘am gay’ speeches as publicity tactics especially for celebrities who may need a little for more numbers in their awards closets and more views on you tube. There are those of them that without question their speeches are accepted as gospel and most of the world’s population is just amazed by how they didn’t know we knew.

While in Kenya our gay celebrities are still in the closet and are very much aware that such an announcement would only mean relocation of the end of your career…and sometimes maybe both. There is a high chance that a few years to come we will have some of our own.

Diana added “I am not seeking anyone's approval. The people I love and care about the most, love me no matter what and my true fans love my music and my positive energy on and off-stage. I have never been disrespectful to anyone, and have repeatedly shared my deepest thoughts and feelings with you and have demonstrated my UNWAVERING LOVE and COMPASSION for humanity”

Should we be looking forward to a shy girl rendition of the shy guy?


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