I went to boarding school at the age of 10..as sad as it may be for some. I am grateful it made me the adorable woman I consider myself to be today :-). My point was, we had this one day just before we closed school when we cleaned up every part of the  school am talking even walls, scrubbing every inch by inch. 

I have been looking at this page for hours tryna figure out what I should share on today. But after evaluations on the individuals in my life I have realized of the luck that I may carry with me for some are extraordinary people who I would wanna keep for atleast the next few days. Others have overstayed they visit and it would be only best for all parties involved if they would just park up. 

To be more specific about it I am tired of the take-take relationships that have been kinda appealing to my messianic complex but it comes a time to wash out after a days hustle. So lets make today general cleaning day. You may ask why I would do such a thing while I enjoy saving everyone I can get my hands on more than you average person. Well, as much as I took time to understand this behavior I have invested just as much to understand its genesis. The conclusion though not certain is; it could be a reflection of my own needs to have someone rescue me at some point in my life and most likely going on years and no help was delivered, so I walk the earth giving what no one offered hoping to give somebody the smile that I never got and in the same way it makes me feel good about myself. Which while phrased in that way doesn't seem like such a noble thing...and I like noble.

So considering that the people you save are the most ungrateful cunts you shall ever find its also good to know that I wouldn't have ended up as the person I am if somebody saved me from my struggles. no one learns how to swim by being pulled out every minute. Everyone should know how to swim, whether or not they choose to do it.


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