It is a whole new world. A world where we promise ourselves not to commit to the person you lay with for you remember quite well how love is supposed to go.

You have the time of your life at the same time looking at all directions for the person who will be good enough for your parents eyes, a person who can be that support system in your career, make your home, raise your children, have their own career and life and still be fun and funny enough to keep you entertained.

A world in which ideologies like giving it up on the third date sound like an urban myth not far from the serial killers of our days.  Where sons are named after the club owners for that is the only inspiration to love.

A dateless world, where lovers meet in bars and can’t remember half of their 1st conversation and get to have a squeeze of the booty in the first quarter hour.

Soul-mates do not lay awake writing letters to each other for they can always share a fraction of the thought in a 140 character phrase. You follow? J Where you have never crammed her phone number for its backed-up in 3 computers and kisses are on screens, making prisoners’ through the glass kisses and hand-prints look more romantic than guitar playing Latino men.

Where assistants fix the dates and venues and pick the choice of flowers. A world where glances of her astonishing face are on all the photos of her you have downloaded reducing the chances of waiting for her to fall asleep to capture that moment by 63% and one to pick convenient times to look at her image on the mirror when she can’t see you down by 8 more.

A time when wedding are a performances, making Vegas look like every girls sentimental dream come true. Where she can be sure when you look at her and smile like you will never want her out of sight she can be sure it’s not another pose for the camera.

A time when in-laws can actually act like they love you and still show you they will not rest ‘til you are destroyed. When family wrangles are not murder plans but the usual bickering and plainly shining disgust.

A world in which you only see her smile on an emoticon. A world in which you both decide to mask your being until the deal is sealed in fear of revealing that our not so perfect natures are all that we will offer each other in days to come.

So as a favor to the love world, let us try just today. Find the honesty in you and cultivate a truth of your true being to you partner. If this is the beginning of your end? So be it. If it is a go card to live life free? Lucky you.


  1. love never changes. its bounderies are still at creation's mark. we might try to twist and color outside the line but we only kid ourselves.
    ION your posts of late... i think i am getting a crush. write a few more so that it can be confirmed *grins*

  2. very true. If there was ever an incentive to pen my shit out, awaiting the confirmation. Didn't know you were into love write-ups...half the time am looking for more entertaining topics.

  3. Laughs where the person is not actually smilling they jus lol n sneer at the back


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