I am having a conversation with my pals Blessol, Leila, Catty and Sheila the discussion is all over the place on social injustices, colonization, classism, slave trade, being lesbian in Kenya and revolution (yes it’s not just you Tracy Chapman has been running through my mind though out the talk).

So Blessol really believe that at the point she is at this mind closed environment we live in there is no chance of make it differently and Catty and I who are conc. believers on change and making a space where some(please note) can get to enjoy their lives regardless of their income, gender identity and sexual orientation.

Her point are very valid and take me a step back to evaluate how occurrences that have happened to my people and not the human race as a whole affect what we may be trying to do right now. Lets taking it from the part where the extremely content half naked African man has to pay for giving an explorer a chance to dialogue that made us end up with years of colonization that we are still paying up for even today be it the ideologies and laws that we are still hold on to as they change their to something more accepted to the individuals within their populations. Even the fight we go through with so much energy so as to help our societies go against what they understand not, yet they live by.  

What beauty we would have if we gave the millions of people who really don’t even give the slightest fuck of the opinions we hold. Questions arise of how rules that are in this country already govern how we relate with each other in terms or sex, unions, organization and discussions like the one we are having right now.

Do we really benefit from all this labels that we do not understand and are comfortable with yet take up as gospel truth. Talking of truth: laws, morals and rules assist us as I keep saying but how far can we go with this lack of questioning?

This week people died in South Africa as they demonstrated, we can all find a way to concentrate on whatever aspect of the situation. One of my friends can not get over one of the white policemen who opened fire on the defenseless men. Another on the fact that racism has not died and may never in south A. But hey the truth is the people there fight day in day out sometimes with zero success against such events. What of an ordinary Kenyan who lives in a society who let’s face it is numb at this point. As we see all things fall apart but we are too paralyzed by the post election violence to react to any injustice we see.

How long will Kenyans look the other way and will we go to the other extreme when we finally do???????

Now all we do is dream of utopias that we may never attain and shall we try? For now we deal with more questions than answers. Engage me on my email:


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