HEY YA’LL! Yea, am slightly excited. Am going to get a new tattoo, Ok drop the excitement and let’s get to the fucked up part of me not even knowing what I will get and its minutes to time. Ok my options go as far as what is happening in my life right now. So 1st and most importantly I need a Greek element to it (am loyal to my obsessions) and then it swings on the way of this knowing myself journey am undertaking or the poetry that am trying to keep close once more. I will post a photo for your criticism…not that it will matter but am considerate like that. Moving on,

Let’s touch on the last post as I try to be a man of my word. Poetry was good intense, memorable, apologetic (:-)), educative and much more, amongst which Bitch is no more. Yes the why can’t I keep a relationship predicament continues but hey…let’s focus on issues we can actually understand better than a poet, die hard romantic who lives desiring companionship and commitment cannot keep some. By the way the best part of this is that it turns out am not as emotionless as I thought. I took a whole day feeling like crap and making ppl do things for me coz I was going through a break up. While some of you may call that selfish I acknowledge that the realization that no one gives a fuck whether you are home yet and what you are doing can set you back. Regardless of how much you detested that text or phone call an hour ago.

Ok Moss(my pal) said it was selfish of me to act like a victim about it but then what did she think I was talking about when I said I suspect am a sociopath. It wasn’t about where I chose to take my walks you know. But I hope she finds what I couldn’t offer. Today turned out to be so interesting, I was carrying out interviews for the Research and I interviewed two outstanding lesbian women who work in the Kenyan LGBTI organization and trust me listening to Akinyi Ocholla and TJ is just what I needed in this psyche tank that has been running lower day by day.

So right I am all fueled up for this equality cause that we are fighting for and with a better understanding that equality is just that. EQUAL! Not a time to segregate ourselves from other persons in the society and expect different treatment but mingling with other Kenyans and yearning for what they get. Thanks to those two lovely women.

Something more important got my attention as Akinyi touched on as she was revisiting the formation of MWA! How the women would get together and just socialize hold movie nights and get to know each other. More as we develop in organizational structure we forget the need to just chill together and be part of a group that identify with a common denominator. Ok maybe that is why we have so many gay parties nowadays in Nairobi…btw have you noticed most of them are organized by Lesbians? Go girls with the focus on cheda.

Any Lesbians or gay persons out there who only read my blog under their duvets and hiding at their office corner there is a party on Sept 1st that will be a good chance to meet your kind :-) and share a drink. Here is the link http://www.facebook.com/events/191588850972438/ and get on facebook gay events and get to know where to find who…and please this is not an opportunity to stalk. Please let me know what else is going on out there that add a smile to a gay face pun intended.

Lemme get the tat pain and go out for a real raev for the first time in weeks. Cheers to the freaking weekend!

Oooh! about the photo the Tracy Chapman crush is back full force and the sleepless dreamy (if thats not funny to you watch more supernatural) nights are not interesting. We shall suffer together. 


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