Following a chat with one of you I promised to write on relationships, in the conversation she inquired if I had straight friends. Lets pause that and enjoy me ranting as long as my pride allows me on how much I mingle with more straight men than any other gender, plus sexual orientation caucus and if there is anything I have learnt through my travels across borders if you know what I mean is that relations are in the support of the grammatical errors we wear so proudly ‘The same difference’. (Pride kicks in)

So today we speak of relationships in the I (Immah) perspective. Just so you know and can judge my state of mind right now with the utmost accuracy, I am on a romantic movie marathon as instructed by Her Godesty. The fact that I am not intoxicated at all should also be dutifully appreciated.

That said we should unanimously agree that the need to interact, connect, communicate and relate is a human aspect we all have (sociopaths can stop shaking their heads…..NOW!). While some like myself wish we had a say in the matter, am truly wishing this creation business was a much more democratic process.  The struggle continues! So where was I? 

As soon as we are let out to this free-willed world we end up picking whosoever offers us what we desire at that particular time. Be it comfort, affection, security, belonging, joy, tranquility and if two united are lucky enough, there is a chance or at least misleads of love. How we chose to engage with this person is what me and you have referred to as relationships.

One of the biggest most debated topics ever, so much so we still have our different social forums that we attend just to share our experiences on this phenomenon that only the dedicated most worthy celebrate. I don’t know what yours is but I call mine a bar, blogs and therapy are almost as popular forums.

Let’s not forget there are a few wise ones that consider it one of the things they should not focus their energy on. The rest of the happy lot have marriages and statements like ‘I loved her all my life’ to keep them pushing forth in euphoria.

This is an agreement in which two people…usually for the normal crowd among us or more make a dedication to each other. while a general consensus on what the terms of agreement should be featured has not been reached, each unique yet similar pair ventures out to a world of unknown that has made some drink poisons, potions if not drown in passion.

Truth is those who have an idea of the ecstasy you can experience with a partner(straight or otherwise you dimwit) who you love with your all, share and plan this life with coz god knows you need the assistance, look at and feel what I do right now as I glance beside me. You shall honor and do that for all your life and never give it a second thought when it comes to being with one person you do love.

Referring you back a few blogs on my lack of understanding on commitment and monogamy you will witness that the universe/whatever you believe in shall offer you answers when you question and that there is no need for intense searches to answers on this life. Within you there are answers to questions that data, theories and philosophies in this world may never answer coz all you have to do take a step out of your thinking cap and just feel.

For the sake of my thinking cap that I hold so dearly I take Plato’s theory of innatism that in simplest of words runs around the idea that the human mind is born tabula rasa (with ideas/knowledge) thus I can offer me information on such matter that I may not be able to quantify or breakdown arithmetically to arrive at a scientific conclusion.

38 blog posts late Immah gets IT....or at least I can say I am a lil more human.


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