
It is disrespectful and silly of me to have such lovely people reading and take so long to write. So this shall be me paying up my dues….(30mins later) Now I have started writing this blog thrice and I give myself an excuse of why I should not make ‘that’ a public reading when I start. Making it obvious that I have been having so much trouble writing simply because that voice in my head (I got a few too many) can’t stop giving me excuses on why not. So we shall work with me writing about whatsoever I wanna write about and you reading only what holds your interests (like when was it not, some may ask?). Let’s give the lesbians a break and focus on a little bit more than me trying to impose my ideas, beliefs or lack there off in most cases on them. So today I shall speak of something that I think is imperative for all LGBTI persons in our country to think through. 


 Here we have Kenya going to the polls in the next few months and the public joins hands to ensure that a repeat of the savagery that was 2008 will not occur again and the people’s need for a safe secure environment shall be the theme ringing in all voters minds as they go to get their finger inked. With my appreciation to all the corporate, media, orgs, diplomats etc, working their share to spread the word of peace which may be motivated by survival instincts and calculations that lead to the realization that fighting Kenya means a possibility of empty pockets for them but who is checking. I see a loop hole that may come to bite my people on the ass. 


It’s with great admiration and not hidden support that I inform those of you who know not that David Kuria one of the most brilliant minds I have met in our circles is running for election for a senator position in Kiambu county and all the support we can master shall be offered to him. That said his run for election will bring the gay issue on the limelight again (some may ask when is it not?) but there is a difference between the other times and now. A gay man running for office will make everyone talk for sure. 


I shall share why: all that has happened in Kenya within the last year on Gay matters shall be a discussion topic in the coming election keeping in mind that the LGBTIQ community cannot afford to be ignorant of the politics and how they affect us. While most of us honestly believe that keeping our head down and respecting the Kenyan societal wish to act like homosexuality and differences in gender identity do not exist will work out well for us in the long run, there are facts we cannot ignore. 


Our traditional silence has brought us to where we are in good and bad ways. The next five years is the time to grab our representatives by the balls and demand a person who actually protects me as a constituent of her people and works her/his part to ensure that my child is not harassed in social places because of who I sleep with or my partner is fucked up when I die just because they couldn’t give her a chance to have legal claim over my estate and we all know our homophobic families have a better chance of burning her on a bonfire at my wake than providing for her as I would wish. 


With backing from the global community for us and other African countries to create a safe space for ourselves if not have golden bands on our left ring fingers, the first thing on our to-do-lists should be looking for individuals that are well vast in the understanding of human rights and overflowing with equality and dignity for the minorities in Kenya. P.s. that includes me and you. 


That said, what such moves bring to the table for us past level headed politicians who do not just instigate slashing of my beautiful, sexy, slightly masculine body if I may say so myself include a humongous security risk for our safety. 


It is prudent of us to note that when I say us I am not referring to the activists and people who are openly gay, lesbian or transgender, with discussions like the ones I anticipate flowing around that is when even those who did not talk to you about it prior to the election time shall want to know your views and what you may be. That said it will be good for us observe all the precautions that those who have attended security trainings have been told. Do not instigate discussions unnecessarily, keep your most resourceful friend who is well aware of your sexuality or gender identity on speed dial, avoid places that would be generally considered risky and more so follow your intuition.


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