My work endeavors has led me to a beautiful hotel within the outcasts of Nairobi. A lovely clean-aired resort that reaches deep inside you like a surgeons blade. If you don't feel any connection with your surrounding after being here you need to have a talk with your pastor, shrink, witchdoctor or whatever floats your boat. 

What do such environments do any human beings? They make you think. So that could be the reason I woke up feeling like hell. Fucked up tummy, head pains, mood as low as the Monk's. So I write, blog, tweet, entertain as much as I can but it only feels just half as good, the other half distant. That's when I realize that I have lost sight of the tranquility that I had a few months back. 

The beauty that I celebrated as 2012, what had made me call it the best year I have ever had. What made me fooled that I finally have my life in the path that I had so tirelessly searched for for the last 20 plus years of my life. That which brings you to the fallacy that you will get to your promised land in just a matter of days/months/years, you can get to that actualization that you so much envy. 

That said and seen; I don't have a tendency of letting myself down or even loosing focus on my goals (OK maybe just nowadays)which I try to keep as simple as I can at a time. So here we go: the rediscovery of IMMAH once more, the time line is a week. if nothing positive happens by then, more drastic measures shall be taken. Its on!


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