Hey heyhey!

Do I start with the good news or the good news?

Ok the good news: I have a new baby, more like a laptop but the excitement I feel differs. She is pretty understanding (doesn’t go into a seizer over my regular spelling mistakes), silent when necessary, everything anyone would want in a woman. I see a long future ahead of us. Who knows, I might even pop the question…

Now to the good news: yours truly go a new job, won’t offer you too much details but I shall let you know it is in Research. Now here is the creepy thing. My first lecture’s words quote by quote.. “I understand that you are really interested in criminology but I think research is you field.” Worry not all this didn’t come to him in a dream but after a long discussion on a research project I was working on. I have a sane lecture.

Which gets me to the not so good news: I have exams coming up. Give me a minute to be unhappy about it. At some point I thought I don’t like school, as years went by I realized it’s my comfort zone. Then I started thinking am I don’t like reading, but the fully grown book obsessed nerd in me put a dagger through that opinion. Then I thought maybe just maybe….am not good at them. With a few good grades here and there when I dare to lift a pen to try made me shut up about that.

No better way to find out your problem than to being a psychology major. If you can’t help yourself, pack up and leave for you won’t help anyone else. Self-analysis results; am a obsessive compulsive perfectionist whose narcissistic nature doesn.t approve of anything short of a 100%. The thought of entering the exam room and leaving a step farther from my first class honors is the reason I and exams aren’t having a civil union any time soon. And the sad part is I don’t know anyone who loves what they do more than I do. I smile while reading as if am holding a Nelson DeMille novel and not class not. So the good of all who may need my services in the future and to offer my ego the first class it deserves. I shall relax with all that self-pressure and just let a good day of me being tested pass by.

To all the examination and tests we have to go through in a lifetime, I mean that in all possible ways.

p.s. I hurt my leg and limping aint sexy L


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