I have a very important meeting tomorrow, not as important as the people who will be there. Therefore an unfortunate need to make a fuss about whatever I will be wearing, which has me in this self-destructive wardrobe state that has me making outfit attempts in hundreds and after this outfit millions. I won’t lie I am a sucker for looking good if we may put it lamely, in analysis. I overcompensate in my appearance due to the high demeanor morals that I instilled in myself after years of watching and realizing what a good suit can get you when it comes to customer service, or how a few destruction's like piercings and tattoos can lower people’s expectations of you and give you an added advantage when it comes to making impressions. How dressing up in the morning makes you smile for no other reason at the end of the day. How it gathers up confidence within you, that is if you need to add unlike me. How good a tie feels whether you’re male or female. How quickly a visible stain can just mess you up, or how all this can make or break how large an ego you carry.

Lately I am shopping every few minutes reminds me of the shopaholic movie which I don’t know the end to due to my chick flick distaste. But I can easily conclude that a 100% reduction in my drinking and an 80% on in the smoking department had to have some outcomes. As sad as those who know my love for both of this extracurricular may be for me, am here to assure you that your gal is safe. Coz shopping doesn’t kill, just make you a little of a pussy. So unless am counting my chicks too soon; goodbye drunk- hello Paris Hilton.


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