GONE (poetry)

I miss the day back when it was fun
Back when I wrote rhyme of how we were one
When the sounds of your steps brightened me up like the sun
When your touch would make me or leave me broken
When I whispered your name softly to calm myself
When even a foot away from you split me into half
When you looked good in everything you wore
When I wanted everyone to see me with you
When our lovemaking was sacred
When us kissing prohibited my breathing
When I sang only songs that reminded me of you
When I danced with no one but you
When I had only sweet dreams bout you
When I couldn’t wait to eat what you fixed
When I would kill for you
When I couldn’t be without you
When I wanted to scream it out loud
When I did not hate P.D.A
When I always had something sweet to say
When I trembled at the thought of our next lay
When we did something special every 10th  day
When I wanted to see you everywhere I turned
I miss the days…when I wasn’t always sad.
All I and many want is just a ride back
A small bite of when it didn’t suck
But as the sun surely moves from east to west
As the nestling flies away from its nest
There is never going back.


  1. mmmmhhhhhh...nice. am ur fan, hala when u performing

  2. i have been away from the stage for a while but when i go back you shall be the first to know.


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