Contrary to what I may let out; I get smitten quicker that hookers run. Today marks a week since I started on my Tracy Chapman obsession. By obsession I mean the following: listening to only her for the past week, googling every piece of information on her, creating an album for every available photo of her I can get my hands on, analyzing every lyric in her songs, throwing her in all my conversations to the point that i pity every person who think it wise to give me a moment of their ear, going P.I on her ass and finding all rumors about her. OK I shall stop there to avoid airing my psychosis to the internet public. One of you might take it upon themselves to institutionalize me.
After my thorough job on her, I think she is one of the most talented dykes I have come across and her music and I have a long relationship ahead of us. A woman takes what she gets. Best of all the music has poetry oozing out of every hole in me and I am not complaining.


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