Yesterday was something else; it was the baby’s party. *refer to the last post for better understanding. For those of you who have never hosted a 5yr old’s party, lemmi describe it for you. It’’s held on well-chosen day by the baby mafia; a day when almost all children are free and well prepared to drain you in all ways. So they all show up psyched up like they are on drugs and no matter what you do, there is no putting them down.

So I had to get sneaker than the brats if I was gonna make through that day with any joy left in me. I made hints weeks before on how busy I shall be on that particular day and I shall be available in the evening and so should the party itself. As smart as the idea was, it opened up unweighed probabilities that I hadn’t analyzed. This includes how they called and texted every few minutes to add on to their demands list, and the constant changes in the birthday boy’s gifts.

I took my sweet time with other business. Only to find the cake house closed, as simply as I have put it. Don’t underestimate how fucked up I was at that point. I started calling the available numbers on the receipt and no one picked. By this time am sweating which is not just unlike me but also contrary to the weather offered to us on that day. Just then a guy opens the staff door and I start begging so hard he can’t even tell what am begging for. All in all I got my cake that was everything he wanted it to be and got there in time to be super mum to all the available sugar high kids.

None could construct a sentence without a jump or a clap. Rushing up and down to avoid conversation with all the other mums who only speak question marks to me, I started serving the kids more sugar. Managed to kill a few minutes preparing the cake and that’s when I look at the kids and realize I deserve to be as happy as they are, if you can’t beat them? I joined in the sugar rally, brought my creativity in it as the bar setting am used to. I had a tot glass for juices and sodas, included all sugar bits they had and most importantly the candy that I crushed in my mouth every minute.

So today baby and I have been in bed all day watching movies and listening to music as we nurse this hangover and the effects are not the usual things I deal with. So here I am with sudden outbursts and a constant hype that has me screaming each time I pick up my phone. All in all am not sure I will be good nuff to work tomorrow, and I can’t real bet any boss would understand my excuse leave alone believe me.


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